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Phyllis Chesler

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Why Am I So Sad on This Day of All Days?

Part Two of the slow motion Israeli hostage exchange
Jan 19, 2025

New English Review

By Phyllis Chesler

Given my joy at the release of these three Israeli captives, why am I so sober, so sombre, not at all in a celebratory mood?

Why are there tears behind my eyes today of all days?

Well, here are some of the reasons why.

I've just watched masked, armed, Hamas barbarians storm the departing Red Cross Vehicle in which three female Israeli hostages were being transported out of captivity. With guns and hoarse cries of, "Kill the Jews," these sadistic fiends banged on the windows, jumped on the car roof, surrounded the car/van, blocked it from moving.

This is precisely the type of terrorist that has just been released back into Israel. More than 700 of them in return for these three, precious Israeli hostages.

In addition to refusing to release the captives' names beforehand; in addition to delaying the planned release; this last-minute terrorization, in and of itself, is the third time that Hamas has broken the hostage release--and just in a single day.

I want the world to watch this scene, again and again, as it is being replayed in the media, especially on Israel 24, which is being broadcast into my living room.

At first, I did not believe what I was seeing. Perhaps I did not want to believe my eyes. Thus, I watched it many times before I accepted and understood what I was seeing.

Here is the naked proof, but one example, of whom Israel and all infidels are dealing. After these three young women have already spent 471 days hovering between life and death in dark tunnels beneath the earth--the sadists had not had enough. They needed to remind the women and the world of who they are. Barbarian fascists, a greater threat to world peace than any Western right-winger could ever be.

A wise Israeli just said to me: "Israel has two choices. Bad. And worse."

Another wise pro-Israel journalist told me: "It will be open season on Jews and infidels everywhere now. Clearly, the Islamists and Caliphaters will not stop--not until they are stopped.

Hamas's display was also meant to deny that they've lost the war, thus far, militarily. And they have. Further, without the IDF in Gaza even these three hostages would never have been returned. However, in terms of propaganda--Hamas and their Western and other Islamist supporters won. Oh, how they've won.

Just as "progressive" Westerners adored Stalin, Mao, and Fidel/Che, they've continued their "Mephisto Waltz," their dance with death and the devil, in terms of their adoration of terrorists, torture, and violence. I am about to read what looks like an excellent book on this very subject by Dr. Jon Mills, a British philosopher and psychoanalyst. It is titled: "End of the World. Civilization and Its Fate."

What next? Quo Vadis? How many Israeli hostages are still alive? When will PM Netanyahu be allowed to vanquish every last Islamist in Gaza and in Yehuda and Shomron?

My edgy thought: Israel must immediately institute a death penalty for terrorists with blood on their hands. Israel must also kill them in battle on sight. No more prisoners for future trades. There must never again be living terrorists with blood on their hands in Israeli jails.

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