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Phyllis Chesler

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Joy as a form of politics has quite a Nazi history

Aug 26, 2024


By Phyllis Chesler

About #Kamala's Party of #Joy. Joy as a form of political activism has quite the #Nazi history. #Tax incentives and #bread and circuses was what the KDF offered the masses. They called it NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude (Strenth through Joy) and it was a Nazi operated organization which began in 1933 and lasted until the outbreak of the war, after which, their mandate was transformed into caring for and entertaining Nazi soldiers. The KDF was under the sponsorship of the National Labor Front. It provided sporting events, mandatory physical exercise, gymnastics, dancing classes for women, free or low-cost concerts, theater, and art exhibits, improved hygeine at workplaces, tax incentives, and government sponsored holidays, including cruises for the masses. The films and plays were pure propaganda.

Tax incentives for the masses? Does the Democrat Party know this history? If they do, why would they choose such a tainted brand? Or, is their model the "black joy" movement, a "joy that no #White man can steal." (Read Tracey Michael L'Lewis Giggetts in "Black Joy." But maybe the Democrat Party does not know about this either.

Oh America, America, you/we are so lost.

Please Democrats: Find another inspiration for political activism.

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