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Where I've archived interviews and what I've written in the last quarter-century.

Phyllis Chesler

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Interview: Hindu vs Muslim honour killings

Jul 26, 2012

Sun News Network

Thank you so much for your patience. I remain in the trenches working on the new book. It is like walking the murky ocean floor in search of treasure, or like mud-wrestling against one's own self.

On July 26, 2012, I did an interview with Michael Coren on SUN TV about my most recent honor killing study which I published, together with Nathan M. Bloom, in Middle East Quarterly. On July 26, 2012, Jonathan Kay also devoted an entire column to the study in Canada's National Post.

I film the SUN TV appearances at CNN in NYC. They offered to do my makeup, there was time to spare, and so I agreed. To the left of me sat Christianne Amanpour and to my right—Fareed Zakaria. What was I going to do? Start World War Five-- of course not. And so, Amanpour and I talked about….makeup. "Try the gloss" she said. "Be brave, be bold, go for it," I responded, a touch ironically. But she was right.

I miss writing on the frontlines and hope to return to it later this year.

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