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Phyllis Chesler

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Denmark: Free Speech is for Muslim Hate Groups, Not Their Critics

May 06, 2011


The heroic Lars Hedegaard has vowed to appeal his recent criminal conviction in Denmark.

As I've noted, Hedegaard's alleged crime was discussing Muslim male family violence towards Muslim women and children.

In short, truth-telling and free speech have now been criminalized in Denmark. According to Hedegaard,

What can one say, what must one say? How can one tell the truth without running afoul of the politically correct policing codes which penalize do-gooders and truth-tellers but allow evil-doers to run free?

I usually make a point of always stating that not all Muslims are terrorists, and that Muslims are often the first victims of Muslim and Islamist violence. Many Muslims are among the bravest of dissidents who are exposing and opposing extremist Islam.

Having said this, it is also true that, while not all Muslims are terrorists, almost all terrorists are Muslims. Is this a "racist" statement? Why? Muslims come in all colors, all classes, and hail from all geographic regions. Likewise, while men of every religion, every class, and every continent commit violence against women, the violence takes different forms; all violence is not all the same.

For example, I've documented that honor killings, which are a distinctive feature of Islamic gender apartheid, is very different from western domestically violent femicide. In Muslim-majority countries, honor killings are tolerated and celebrated. In Western countries, daughter-murder is rare and wife-killing is seen as a crime and prosecuted as such.

Even in India, where honor killings are rampant among Hindus as well as Muslims, the Indian government attempts to vigorously prosecute this crime. The media reports it. This is not the case in Muslim-majority countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.

Here is Hedegaard's complete statement at the Free Speech press conference, held in Copenhagen earlier today:

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